Click on the Initiative name for the link to the related website.
WORLD level
Name | Institution | Description |
International Landscape Convention |
In progress |
EcoAgriculture Partners |
Is a collaborative Initiative to foster cross-sectoral dialogue, learning, and action. The partners aim to understand and support integrated agricultural landscape approaches to simultaneously meet goals for food production, ecosystem health and human well-being. |
Rio +20
United Nations |
United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development. |
In 2002 FAO started an initiative for the dynamic conservation of Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS). The GIAHS Initiative promotes public understanding, awareness, national and international recognition of Agricultural Heritage systems. |
EUROPE - European level
Name | Institution | Description | |
University of Cambridge |
The Eucaland Project deals with the Agricultural Landscapes of Europe for promoting their consideration and use among their people and for preserving their cultural heritage. |
Initiative for the economic and environmental development of agro-silvopastoral systems of Southwest Europe. |
Charter of EU Rural Communities |
European Commission | Since 1989, from every member state of the European Union there is one rural community represented in the Charter. |
European Commission |
The EU's Rural Development Policy 2007-2013 is all about meeting the challenges faced by European rural areas and unlocking their potential. |
LIFE programme | European Commission |
LIFE is the EU’s financial instrument supporting environmental and nature conservation projects throughout the EU. |
European Commission |
Is one of four initiatives financed by EU structural funds and is designed to help rural actors consider the long-term potential of their local region. Encouraging the implementation of integrated, high-quality and original strategies for sustainable development, it has a strong focus on partnership and networks of exchange of experience. |
European Commission |
The Interregional Cooperation Programme INTERREG, financed by the European Union’s Regional Development Fund, helps Regions of Europe work together to share experience and good practice in the areas of innovation, the knowledge economy, the environment and risk prevention. |
F:ACTS! project |
European Commission |
Forms for: Adapting to Climate Change through Territorial Strategies! (F:ACTS!) is an INTERREG IVC project that runs from 1 January 2010 until 31 December 2012. |
European Commission |
The Programme for the Territorial Cooperation of the Southwest of Europe supports regional development through co-financing transnational projects via the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund). |
European Commission |
The European Network for Rural Development is the hub that connects rural development stakeholders throughout the European Union. |
Cultural Routes programme | Council of Europe | It was launched in 1987 in order to foster a better understanding of Europe's cultural diversity and European history. The Cultural Routes are a means for improving quality of life and a source of social and economic development, and give pride of place to cultural tourism. | |
ARC 2020 |
The Good Food Good Farming campaign is an initiative from The Agricultural and Rural Convention (ARC). It was launched in 2012 to mobilize citizens to take action and demand good food and good farming across Europe. |
The Coherence in Information for Agricultural Research for Development initiative is a global movement working to make agricultural research information publicly available and more accessible. |
Landscape Futures will implement a transdisciplinary research agenda to foster sustainable development in Eastern Europe, with particular emphasis on ancient agricultural landscapes in Central Romania. |
The Sustainable futures for Europe's HERitage in CULtural landscapES project strives for the empowerment of public and private actors to protect, manage, and plan for sustainable landscapes at local, national, and Pan-European scales. |
EUROPE - Countries and Regions
Name | Institution | Description |
Ireland |
European Commission
It is the first major farming for conservation project in Ireland. Its objective is to develop a new model for sustainable agriculture in the Burren in order to conserve the habitats of the region designated under the Habitats Directive. |
The Burren Farming for Conservation Programme Ireland
Dept. of Agriculture Fisheries and Food / Natural Parks and Wildlife Service |
The programme aims to support high environmental value farming in the Burren, continuing and mainstreaming the findings of the BurrenLIFE Project (2005-2010).
Alleanza Mondiale per i paesaggi Italy |
Alliance for the local and national implementation of the Honghe Declaration for the protection of the terraced landscapes.
United Kingdom |
English Heritage |
The HELM programme was set up in 2004 with the aim of working with key partners to provide the tools to manage change in the historic environment. |
United Kingdom |
Natural England |
The Landscape Character Network is an informal network with a dual focus on Landscape Character Assessment (LCA) and the European Landscape Convention. |
Name | Institution | Description |
The Sothern African Program on Ecosystem Change and Society is a transdisciplinary regional research program that aims to advance stewardship of social-ecological systems and ecosystem services in southern Africa. |
Name | Institution | Description |
Research program for the resilience of South Pacific coral reef social-ecological systems in times of global change. |
Japan |
UNU-IAS - UN University Institute for the Advanced study of Sustainability |
Project to conserve the landscapes and seascapes where human and nature live in harmony, through broader global recognition of their value. It was launched by the Ministry of the Environment of Japan and the United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability in 2010. |
Australia |
Australian Government Dept. of Environment |
The Living Murray Initiative was established to help improve the health of the River Murray. The water recovered through the Living Murray Initiative will be used to improve the health of six icon sites. |
Name | Institution | Description |
Is a private, nonprofit organization founded in 1982 to foster an ethic of stewardship for farmland, to promote sustainable agriculture and to develop sustainable communities. |