Reference documents

Click on the document title to read it. The documents are divided by type (1. Charters, Conventions & Declarations; 2. Guidelines and Manuals; 3. Other publications at World level; 4. Other publications by Regions) and then listed from the most recent to the least recent.


Date Institution/Author Title







Florence Declaration on Landscape. Final Declaration of the UNESCO International Meeting on "The International Protection of Landscapes" on the occasion of the 40th Anniversary of the World Heritage Convention





International Thematic Expert Meeting on Cultural Landscapes of Agropastoralism: The Mediterranean Network





Hangzhou Declaration on the Historic Urban Landscapes, Rural Landscapes and associated Heritage values
2012 LALI The Latin American Landscape Initiative



European Commission Territorial Agenda of the European Union 2020. Towards an inclusive, smart and sustainable Europe of diverse regions





Global Landscape Convention. Proposal to further enhance the recognition and conservation of landscapes globally (IFLA, Suzhou)





Thematic Expert Meeting on Pastoralism in the Mediterranean: cultural, landscape heritage and sustainable development



United Nations


United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, in the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 15) in Copenhagen in December 2009





Recommendation 271(2009).The global challenge of climate change: Local responses
2009 CEMAT Recommendation 266(2009). The future of the cultural tourism
2008 ICOMOS Quebec Declaration on the Preservation of the Spirit of Place





Recommendation 247(2008). Local and regional authorities committed to sustainable consumption





Thematic Expert Meeting on the Agro-pastoral Cultural Landscapes in the Mediterranean





Recommendation 215(2007). Climate change: approaches at local and regional level



European Commission Council Decision on the conclusion, on behalf of the European Community, of the Protocol on Mountain Farming attached to the Alpine Convention





Xi'an Declaration on the conservation of the setting of heritage structures, sites and areas
2005 Council of Europe The Faro Convention on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society





Recommendation 175(2005) on outermost regions: a challenge to the balanced and sustainable development of European territory





Recommendation (2002) on the Guiding principles for the sustainable spatial development of the European Continent


Resolution 128(2002) on the problems of Europe’s countryside
2000 Council of Europe European Landscape Convention



European Commission

European Territorial Strategy






Recommendation (97)9E on a policy for the development of sustainable environment-friendly tourism in coastal areas
1996 ICOMOS Burra Charter. Charter for Places of Cultural Significance





Recommendation (95)9E on the integrated conservation of cultural landscape areas as part of landscape policies





Recommendation (94)6E for a sustainable development and use of the countryside with a particular focus on the safeguarding of wildlife and landscapes
1994 CEMAT Resolution 257(1994) on integrated planning and local development



Council of Europe


Recommendation n. R(89)6 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on the protection and enhancement of the rural architectural heritage





Resolution 203(1989) on the follow-up to the European Campaign for the Countryside





Washington Charter. Charter for the Conservation of Historic Towns and Urban Areas
1982 ICOMOS-IFLA Florence Charter. International Charter for Historic Gardens





Recommendation (79)9E concerning the identification and evaluation card for the protection of natural landscapes





Recommendation concerning the Safeguarding and Contemporary Role of Historic Areas
1972 UNESCO World Heritage Convention





Recommendation concerning the Preservation of Cultural Property Endangered by Public or Private works
1968 CEMAT Resolution (68)9E on the preservation of areas for outdoor leisure





Resolution 43(1964) on regional planning and the conservation of nature and landscape





Resolution 42 (1964) on regional planning and the problem of the balance between town and country





Venice Charter. International Charter for the Conservation and Restoration of Monuments and Sites
1962 UNESCO Recommendation on the Beauty and Character of Landscapes and Sites



Institution/Author Title



The Eucaland Project: European Culture expressed in Agricultural Landscapes





Velarde M.D., Roth M., Buchecker M.

Description methods for European Agricultural Landscapes: definitions, cultural character, and values





Kruse A.

Agricultural Landscape classification as a tool for implementing the ELC in research and planning results from the EUCALAND Project





Roth M., Gruehn D.

Methods and data to describe Agricultural Landscapes and their cultural values on the national level in Germany




Steiner C., Schabl A.

Landscape planning: Recommendations for the consideration of European Agricultural Landscapes' cultural values and heritage


Landscape Identification. A guide to good practice

2006 CEMAT

Guía europea de observación del patrimonio rural




International Manual of Planning Practice (IMPP)





Meeus J.H.A.,

Wijermans M.P.,

Vroom M.J.

Agricultural Landscapes in Europe and their Transformation







  • Scazzosi, L. (2018). Landscapes as systems of tangible and intangible relationships. Small theoretical and methodological introduction to read and evaluate Rural Landscape as Heritage. In Rosina, E., Scazzosi, L. (eds.). The conservation and enhancement of built and landscape heritage. A new life for the ghost village of Mondonico on Lake Como, pp. 19-40. Milan: PoliScript
  • Laviscio, R. (2018). Knowledge of rural landscape systems: an international proposal of a classification. In Rosina, E., Scazzosi, L. (eds.). The conservation and enhancement of built and landscape heritage. A new life for the ghost village of Mondonico on Lake Como, pp. 55-66. Milan: PoliScript
  • Scazzosi, L., Laviscio, R., L'Erario, A. (2018). The 'landscape system' of Dorio/Mondonico short transhumance. In Rosina, E., Scazzosi, L. (eds.). The conservation and enhancement of built and landscape heritage. A new life for the ghost village of Mondonico on Lake Como, pp. 79-92. Milan: PoliScript
  • Hermans, R., Kolen, J., Renes, H. (eds.) (2014). Landscape biographies: Geographical, Historical and Archaeological perspectives on the production and transmission of landscapes. Landscape and Heritage Research. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press
  • Kruse, A., Roth, M., Raap, E., Strasser, P. (2011). Inventories of European Agricultural Landscapes as basis for planning and acting in the political scope. In Dobrovodská, M., J. Spulerová, D. Stefunková (eds.). Research and Management of the Historical Agricultural Landscape. Bratislava, Slovakia: Institute of Landscape Ecology, Slovak Academy of Sciences
  • Renes, J. (2011). European landscapes; continuity and change. In: Roca, Z., Claval, P., Agnew, J. (eds.). Landscapes, Identities and Development. London: Routledge
  • Molinero, F., Ojeda, J.F., Tort, J. (eds.)(2011). Los paisajes agrarios de España: caracterización, evolución y tipificación. Madrid, Spain: Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Medio Rural y Marino
  • Gruehn, D., Roth, M. (2010). Landscape preference study of agricultural landscapes in Germany. In Hungarian Journal of Landscape Ecology, Special issue, pp. 67-78
  • Hooke, D. (2010). The past in the present, remnant open field patterns in England. In Hungarian Journal of Landscape Ecology, Special issue, pp. 43-51
  • Kruse, A., Centeri, C., Renes, H., Roth, M., Printsmann, A., Palang, H., Benito Jorda, M.-D., Verlarde, M.D., Kruckenberg, H. (2010). Glossary on agricultural landscapes. In Hungarian Journal of Landscape Ecology, Special issue, pp. 99-127
  • Kruse, A., Pungetti, G. (eds.) (2010). European culture expressed in agricultural landscapes: perspectives from the EUCALAND Project. Rome: Palombi Editore
  • Renes, H. (2010). Grainlands. The landscape of open fields in a European perspective. In Landscape History, vol. 31(2), pp. 37-70. London: Taylor & Francis
  • Renes, H. (2010). Landscape of agricultural specialization: a forgotten theme in historic landscape research and management. In Hungarian Journal of Landscape Ecology, Special issue, pp. 25-42
  • Renes, H. (2010). Searching for systems in the history of agricultural landscapes in Europe. The historical part of the EUCALAND Project. In Hungarian Journal of Landscape Ecology, Special issue, pp. 13-14
  • Zimmermann, R.C. (2010). Glossary of landscape terminology. In Hungarian Journal of Landscape Ecology, Special issue, pp. 129-133
  • Molinero Hernando, F., Majoral Moliner, R., García Bartolomé, J.M., García Fernández, G. (eds.) (2004). Atlas de la España Rural. Madrid, Spain: Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación
  • Mata Olmo, R., Sanz Herráiz, C. (eds.) (2003). Atlas de los Paisajes de España. Madrid, Spain: Ministerio de Medio Ambiente
  • Mata Olmo, R. (2003). Paisajes rurales españoles: diversidad, valores y protección. In La conservación del paisaje, pp. 167-195. Madrid: Fundación Biodiversidad
  • Gómez Mendoza, J., Mata Olmo, R. (2001). Dehesas and montados of Spain and Portugal. In Wascher, D.M. (ed.). The face of Europe. Policy perspectives for European landscapes, pp. 22-24. Strasbourg: Council of Europe
  • Gómez Mendoza, J. (2001). Las 'nuevas' funciones socioeconómicas y medioambientales de los espacios rurales. In García Pascual, F. (ed.). El mundo rural en la era de la globalización: incertidumbres y potencialidades, MAPA, Serie Estudios, pp. 111-148. LLeida, Spain: Universitat de Lleida
  • Ramakrishnan, P.S. (2001). Globally Important Ingenious Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS). An Eco-Cultural Landscape Perspective





  • Piñeiro, D.E. (2004). En Busca de la Identidad. Los movimientos sociales agrarios en el cono sur de América Latina. CLACSO. Buenos Aires. Capitulo 4. Rentabilidad o Muerte: la protesta rural en el Uruguay, pp. 253-294
  • Moyano Estrada, E. (2001). Aspectos Metodológicos para el estudio de la acción colectiva en la agricultura y la sociedad rural. El caso del sindicalismo agrario. Ponencia presentada en el VI Congreso de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Sociología Rural. Porto Alegre, December 2001



  • Gras C., Hernández, V. (2009). Reconfiguraciones sociales frente a las transformaciones de los 90: desplazados, chacareros y empresarios en el nuevo paisaje rural argentino. In Gras, C., Hernandez, V. (eds.). La Argentina rural. De la agricultura familiar a los agronegocios, pp. 89-116. Buenos Aires: Biblos
  • Morosi, J., Amarilla, B., Conti, A., Contin, M. (2008). Estancias of Buenos Aires province, Argentina : rural heritage, sustainable development and tourism. In International Journal of Heritage Studies, 14, n. 6/2008, pp. 589-594
  • Matteucci, S.D. (ed.) (2007). Panorama de la Ecología de Paisajes en Argentina y Países Sudamericanos. Grupo de Ecologia del Paisaje y Medio Ambiente (GEPAMA) - Secretaría de Ciencia y Técnica (SECyT). INTA: 2007
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